Garbage Clean-up is scheduled for June 19-29.

As a reminder, items such as Appliances, Electronics, Oil, Box Springs/Mattresses, Propane Tanks, Building Materials, Concrete, Hazardous Waste and Tires will not be accepted.

Please help to enforce this if you see someone dumping unacceptable items in the garbage bins as this is a contracted service that we want to continue. Thank you!

MBLCA 2020 Survey results released

Below are the compiled responses provided to at the spring MBLCA meeting on June 6th. For more information on the survey please contact Stacey Lang at

Total Responses: 47

Of those surveyed:

93% are MBLCA members

98% are Brush Lake Cabin Owners, 2% are community members

Overall Weaknesses, primary recommendations for each (in order of responses):

  • Lack of Liquid funds-  Increase dues, Increase Fundraisers, Sell Association land
  • Lack of Volunteers- Utilize talents from existing members before hiring help, Stress the need for volunteers more on Facebook and explain the roles better
  • Lack of Board Member Communication- Facebook needs to be utilized more to communicate, post Board Minutes on Facebook page

Overall Threats/Risk, primary recommendations for each (in order of responses):

  • Lack of Water Quality-  Need for all cabins to have a proper working septic system and/or holding tank
  • Lake Overcrowding- Multi Cabin Dwellings, placing boat size restrictions

Lake Safety primary recommendations (in order of responses):

  • Ask Game and Fish to monitor our lake more closely
  • Make sure we are all doing our part to inform users of our lake to abide by the safety laws
  • Provide safety classes for children and young adults

Long-term opportunities (in order of responses):

  • Increased fundraising efforts-  More events/raffles, more fundraising apparel 
  • Additional income possibilities- Increase Dues, Sell Pavilion Land, Rent out camping spots

2019 Projects (in order of importance):

  • Signage at Public Dock
  • Replaced Water Damage Ceiling Tiles
  • Replace Playset

Biggest Improvements/Concerns needed (in order of importance):

  • Land property Improvements- Improve road conditions, Improve Pavilion (bathroom and outdoor seating, septic System) 
  • Safety- young kids driving buggy’s and golf carts irresponsibility, more speed limit signs, stopping inexperienced waverunners

Board Actions & Follow-up to Survey 

Lack of Liquid funds/fundraising/volunteers

  • MBLCA is utilizing volunteers to coordinate Friday night Bingo- 50% of the proceeds from Bingo nights throughout the summer will come to MBCLA, other 50% to Butte Church who is covering Saturday nights
  • Utilizing Sign-up app to coordinate volunteers needed for MBLCA events. 
  • Apparel and Towel Sales- The board will be fundraising in many ways throughout the 2020 summer including:
    • Towel, bags and mug Sales- Bags and Mugs are here today, towels will be here on Wednesday
    • Fundraising online Apparel site- a variety of apparel will be online for purchase with a variety of designs to choose from. (Also support Kathy Skaley as she provide proceeds to the MBLCA for her sales!)
  • The board will look at the possibility of increasing dues if needed

Lack of Board Communication

  • The board has been attempting to increase posts on Facebook by creating events on the Brush Lake Cabin Owners page
  • Some recommendations request email and/or mail options as a means for communication.  Email would require a email deploy software (which would cost money) and mail can be cost-prohibitive.  As a reminder, the Brush Lake Site is All events and primary information is posted on this site. 

Lake Safety

  • MBLCA have partnered with ND Game and Fish to provide a Life Jacket Loaner station at the public dock
  • ND Game and Fish will be hosting an OHV (off road ATV’s/side by sides) certification course. (Originally scheduled for June 12, now rescheduled for July.) This course is full and cannot increase in size due CV19 restrictions.  If we have interest from a minimum of an additional 6 students we can/will schedule another certification. 
  • Safety Resources- Safety resources have been added to the brush lake site, link is

Land/Property Improvements

  • Pavilion bathrooms have been renovated and outdoor bar area has been added.  

Concerns Outside Board Purview 

  • Lake Quality- If you have concerns about septic systems around the lake, please reach out to First District Health at (701) 852-1376 for guidance.
  • Road Conditions- Please reach out to Rec District with concerns