While this website adds information in regards to upcoming events and major news, the Facebook group is great for continual discussion points, items for sale and upcoming events large and small. Here is the link: Brush Lake Cabin Owners
Brush Lake near Mercer, ND
While this website adds information in regards to upcoming events and major news, the Facebook group is great for continual discussion points, items for sale and upcoming events large and small. Here is the link: Brush Lake Cabin Owners
Members of the Rec Board, Lake Board, and our land Renter met this morning and determined a new tree disposal area in the south pasture. Get the word out, follow these rules, and directions.
1. ONLY TREES, take your building material elsewhere or burn.
2. The old tree pit is CLOSED and off limits.
3. There are white flags that show the route to the pit. Stay within the marked areas. Do not drive all over the pasture.
4. The pit boundary is marked by orange cones, keep piles within them. Try to cut into manageable size in case they have to be moved again.
5. Start dumping on the south side, and work west and north.
6. You can back in from the west. Bring someone with you, there are some large rocks you will want to avoid.
7. The north side has a large rise, only dump from the rise after the pit is getting full. We want the piles as close together to provide as much room as possible.
8. The area will be open until the end of August. Don’t wait until fall to clean up.
The area is south of the pavilion road, west of the highway, and north of the dry slough. The gate is directly across from the road to the public beach entering the pasture that is to the south. Follow the little white flags to the orange cones. Please stay within the flags, there is room down there to turn around.