Which option best describes your affiliation with the Brush Lake community?
- Cabin Owners 94.74%
- Homeowner within the surrounding community 5.26%
Are you a Mercer Brush Lake Community Association member?
- Yes- 84.21%
- No- 15.79%
If the association provided additional family type activities (ex. a lake community picnic or game night) would you and your family likely to attend???
- Yes- 74.36%
- No- 25.64%
If the association coordinated additional safety training (ATV courses, etc.) do you have youth that would be willing to attend? (Course is for ages 12-18)
- Yes- 30.77%
- No- 69.23%
Do you believe the association should be engaged in activity, projects or ventures that attempt to secure long term income for the community association?
- Yes- 63.16%
- No- 36.84%
If it were available would you be interested in up front funding and/or long term year round cold storage unit rental on MBLA property?
- Yes- 42.50%
- No- 57.50%
Do you feel that the current MBLCA board is adequately serving the association’s needs?
- Yes- 97.36%
- No- 2.63%
What is your preferred method of communication?
- Email- 62.50%
- Social Media- 55%
- Paper/Mail- 15%
- Website- 10%